8. BSCW license

Initially the server software is equipped with a test license, which allows usage of the server for a period of 90 days. The maximum number of users who may register with the server is limited to 200 (see also file BSCW_COPYRIGHT).


Since parts of your BSCW server URL (scheme, server name and partial path) are included in the license code it is not possible to change the BSCW server URL (as specified in the SERVER_ROOT variable setting in the BSCW instance configuration file <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/config.py) without changing the license via the license upgrade process or reinstalling the test license.

8.1. License application

A BSCW administrator may commence a license upgrade process by clicking the “Upgrade licence” link, which is provided in the administrator interface of the BSCW server:

  • Make sure you are BSCW administrator (if needed, insert your user name in <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/config.py: SERVER_ADMINS) and open:

    [Menu > Admin]

    Log in a second time with your password to gain BSCW administrator rights for the current session and press [OK]. Now apply for a new license with:

    [Admin > Upgrade license]
  • The next [OK] action will connect you to the license server configured in the variable BSCW_LICENSE (see <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/config.py). Fill in/update the form (be sure to enter a valid email-address!) and choose your desired license type.

Generally when choosing a license type one of the following alternatives applies:

Application for a royalty free license:

After the request for a royalty free license, a license agreement is displayed. The licensee has to print, sign, and send this license agreement to licenser. After reception of the signed license agreement, licenser will decide if licensee qualifies for a royalty free license. As a rule, licenser will grant such a license to schools and universities for educational purposes but reserves the right to deny such a license without further notice.

Application for a commercial license:

After the request for a commercial license, licensee will receive (by fax, if licensee has provided a fax number or otherwise by postal mail, normally within less than three days) a license agreement and an invoice for the requested license. After payment the license is granted; payment implies acceptance of the license agreement.

When the license is granted, licensee is notified by email. A BSCW administrator is now able to upload the license to his server by means of the “get license” option in the “Upgrade License” action:

  • As soon your license is granted you will receive an email notification. Follow the mentioned URL, resp. open:

    [Admin > Upgrade Licence]

    and accept the licence agreement with:

    [I accept licence agreement]
  • Finally perform a garbage collection and restart the BSCW database server to install the new license.

Generally a license (as shown in the “Upgrade License” action) has the following format:

<reversed hostname>:<port><scheme>.<path>

<reversed hostname>     reversed FQDN components of the hostname
<port>                  port of the HTTP server
<scheme>                'H' for HTTP or 'S' for HTTPS
<path>                  local path to the bscw.cgi script

For example a license for a BSCW server on host https://bscw.domain.org with the script path /sec/bscw.cgi using HTTPS looks like:


8.2. License changes

The BSCW license will become invalid whenever the SERVER_ROOT or the secure prefix path within the SCRIPTS dictionary is changed! This applies for example when the SERVER_ROOT is changed from HTTP to HTTPS.

To change your license without service interruption proceed as follows:

  1. Change your SERVER_ROOT variable and apply for a “Change licence for new server (royalty free)” license (see License application above). Please print and sign the shown license agreement and fax or send document (scanned) by email to us.


    This change has no impact on the running BSCW database server, since the new SERVER_ROOT is only (re)loaded after a BSCW database server restart.

  2. Change your SERVER_ROOT variable back to the original (valid) server root definition and wait until your license is granted (you will receive an email notification).

  3. After you received the email notification change the SERVER_ROOT again to the new definition.

  4. To activate the new license run a garbage collection (or wait for the nightly automatic garbage collection run) and restart your BSCW database server after the garbage collection has been completed.