4. Installation procedure for Windows

These are the installation instructions for BSCW 5.2 on Windows 10, Server 2016/2019 machines. If you are upgrading an existing BSCW server instance please go through section 2.4 Upgrading to BSCW 5.2.6

4.1. System requirements

For approximately 200 users BSCW requires the following server hardware on a Windows 10, Server 2016/2019 installation:

  • Intel Core/Xeon or AMD EPYC/Ryzen (>3,2 GHz) 64-bit server system with at least 4 cores (or comparable systems of other manufacturers)..
  • 8 GB RAM
  • At least 500 GB hard disk space (the BSCW installation requires about 200 MB disk space)
  • Windows 10, Server 2016/2019 with
    • Apache HTTP Server 2.4 or
    • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS 8/9/10)

To use BSCW you will need the “Python” interpreter software and extensions:

  • Python 2.7 interpreter
  • pywin32 Build 228 (Win32 Extensions and API for Python)
  • extensions for Python (optional)
    • pylucene - required for full text indexing support (package PyLucIndex)
    • python-ldap - required for LDAP/Active Directory bindings (package ldap)
  • (optional) converter software for the BSCW preview feature, see Software for BSCW Preview for details

The “Python” interpreter and the “Win32 Extensions and API for Python” (pywin32) are copyrighted, but freely usable and can be downloaded from:


Additionally you require a Web server. BSCW supports

  • Apache HTTP Server 2.4
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS 8/9/10)

To use the BSCW WebDAV functionality, you must use the Apache HTTP server. The Apache HTTP server is copyrighted, but is freely usable and can be downloaded from the Apache HTTP server project (http://httpd.apache.org). Windows binary distributions are available at http://www.apachehaus.com/ or http://www.apachelounge.com/

In order to send registration and report emails BSCW finally needs access (via SMTP) to a mail server (Unix or Windows based).


  • BSCW requires at least Python for Windows Extensions Build 219. Please upgrade older pywin32 versions before running the BSCW installer bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27.exe

  • When installing pywin32 as a wheel package (using pip) additionally the following command must be run from an elevated command prompt:

    python C:\Python27\Scripts\pywin32_postinstall.py -install
  • Before installing BSCW first install the desired Python extension packages (see above).

  • If the installer fails with an error message like

    IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\BSCW\srv\<runtime>\conf\config.py'

    please disable your virus scanner before running the BSCW installer bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27.exe

  • BSCW requires the use of a NTFS (local directory).

  • After installing the Apache HTTP server it might be necessary to add an incoming firewall rule to your Windows Firewall for port 80 or 443.

4.2. Installation and Configuration

Before installing BSCW ensure the Web server, Python, Python for Windows Extensions (pywin32), the desired Python extension packages or converter software is installed.


  • When installing pywin32 as a wheel package (using pip) additionally the following command must be run from an elevated command prompt:

    > python C:\Python27\Scripts\pywin32_postinstall.py -install
  • If you want to deploy BSCW with IIS the CGI support must be manually enabled before the BSCW installer is started, otherwise the automatic configuration of IIS may fail.


The name of the download installer contains BSCW and Python version numbers – e.g. bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27.exe contains BSCW version 5.2.6 for Python 2.7. Please make sure to install the latest version of BSCW and always provide your version number when contacting support staff.

Start the BSCW setup procedure by double-clicking the installer (according to your Python version)


The BSCW installer first asks for the language used in the current setup procedure. Select the desired language and press [OK].


Then the setup program will try to install the BSCW version 5.2.6. Click [Next] and accept the license agreement


and continue with [Next]. Read the HTTP server hints


and continue with [Next].

By default BSCW setup will install the BSCW program code in the C:\BSCW\lib directory. Accept this pre-selection or select a different directory:


Click [Next] and choose as additional task to install or update a BSCW server instance:


Forward with [Next] to see a summary of the chosen locations:


To accept this click [Install] which will extract the BSCW 5.2.6 distribution files in the following locations

C:\BSCW\lib\bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27\          # BSCW distribution 5.2.6
C:\BSCW\lib\bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27\bscw      # BSCW executable code
C:\BSCW\lib\bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27\doc       # BSCW documentation
C:\BSCW\lib\bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27\lib       # BSCW third party modules

The BSCW layout allows to install multiple BSCW instances in the runtime directory (C:\BSCW\srv), which all share the same BSCW program code located in the library directory (C:\BSCW\lib).


  • The BSCW distribution must reside in the same partition as all BSCW instances. For instance it is not possible to install the BSCW distribution on drive C:\ and a BSCW instance on another drive (e.g. D:\).
  • Due to Windows access right restrictions is not possible to install a BSCW runtime directory in C:\Program Files, C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Windows.

After installing the BSCW distribution files the setup program will run the BSCW instance setup to examine your system, and if a BSCW instance runtime is found the following selection is shown:


Select “install new BSCW instance” and click [Continue]. If no BSCW instance runtime is found this step is omitted. Next a console window and a second setup window are opened. To perform an initial instance configuration the following configuration details must be entered:

  • BSCW server root, instance name and mail host name

    The server root specifies the visible URL for this instance, while the instance name specifies the directory name of the BSCW instance. Next the mail host name is required by BSCW to relay emails. Please enter the (FQDN) or the IP address of your mail host (MTA). While a working MTA is mandatory for BSCW operation, you may leave the server root definition empty for later configuration.

    See also

    Section 4.5.1 BSCW Server Root Definition


    If you you are using MS Exchange as MTA, you must explicitly allow the IP address of you BSCW server host to relay email.

    _images/Windows-Installation-setup07.png _images/Windows-Installation-setup08.png _images/Windows-Installation-setup09.png
  • BSCW administrator

    Enter a valid BSCW server administrator email address, an user name and a password of the user who shall become a BSCW server administrator



    The login name denotes the account of the BSCW administrator and not any Windows account.

  • BSCW server details

    Finally you have to define the following server detail information. The BCW server realm is shown in authentication dialogs or on the welcome page of the BSCW instance. The BSCW public prefix defines the path after the server root used to allow (unauthenticated) access to published BSCW contents, e.g https://bscw.domain.org/pub/, while the BSCW secure prefix defines the path after the server root used to access personal (authenticated) BSCW contents, e.g https://bscw.domain.org/sec/. It is recommended to install BSCW as a service.

    See also

    Windows Service for Further Information.


    Finally a summary of your settings is shown. You can correct any wrong settings by using the [Back] button.


    If all settings are correct press the [Install] button, which will then start the BSCW instance configuration. The progress is shown in a console window


Depending on the deployed HTTP server, you have to choose one of the following configuration alternatives:

  • Apache HTTP Server

    If you use the Apache HTTP server the setup process automatically generated configuration files in the directory <bscw-runtime-path>\\conf\\apache24, which contains all necessary configuration instructions.

    Revise and include the directive Include <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/apache24/site.conf into the file httpd.conf. Please note it will most likely not work out of the box, but you have to adapt it to your local Apache HTTP server configuration. Especially you will need to install certificates for your SSL enabled server and adapt the configuration in site.conf.

    After editing <bscw-runtime-path>\conf\config.py enable the Apache modules proxy and proxy_http. Next run bsadmin conf_apache to set up the reverse proxy configuration and restart the Apache server.


    Before including the bscw.conf file ensure all required Apache HTTP modules are loaded, see Section 4.5.2 Apache HTTP Server Configuration for a more complete Apache HTTP server configuration discussion.

  • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

    If you use the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) all necessary IIS configuration for BSCW is done by the setup script automatically for Windows 10, Server 2016/2019. Finally the setup script launches your default Web browser to connect to your BSCW server.

    See also

    Section 4.5.3 IIS Configuration


    • It is recommended to use the Apache HTTP 2.4 server on Windows; when using the Microsoft IIS the WebDAV (“web folders”) functionality of BSCW will not be available.

    • When using the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) CGI support must be enabled manually before the BSCW installer is started, otherwise the automatic configuration of IIS may fail.


After your BSCW instance is running you can log in with the administrator account registered during the installation procedure (see above) by opening the URL (mind login name and password are case sensitive!):


Actually to gain administrator rights you have to login a second time with your password by opening [Options ‣ Admin]. If you open the URL

(e.g. http://bscw.domain.org/pub/)

you get a BSCW overview which contains links to your BSCW instance.

4.3. Software for BSCW Preview

The BSCW preview component displays thumbnail images for uploaded documents. If the user moves the mouse pointer over an BSCW object icon in the type column, an image of the first page of an document is shown.

To enable the BSCW preview component the following additional software must be available on the hosting system:

  1. Java Runtime Environment
  2. HTML/PDF converters: WeasyPrint (preferred) or PhantomJS
  3. Ghostscript
  4. GraphicsMagick
  5. LibreOffice
  6. Text/HTML converters: markdown2, html2text
  7. Image converter: PIL
  8. Metadata extraction: Tika-Server (optional)

In particular install this software components as follows:

  1. Java Runtime Environment 8 or 11 (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java)

    Java platform independent programming language

    • The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be separately installed. Download the JRE from:

    • Ensure the bin and bin\client directories of the JRE are listed in the Windows system “Path” environment variable, e.g. add:

      C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_???\bin;
          C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_???\bin\client


      After upgrading your Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to a new release the new installation path must be adapted manually in the Windows system “Path” environment variable. Afterwards a system restart is required.

  2. HTML/PDF converters

    Install one of the following HTML/PDF converters. WeasyPrint gives better results and is therefore preferred, while PhantomJS is easier to install.

2.1 WeasyPrint (https://weasyprint.readthedocs.io)

WeasyPrint requires Python 3 and is relatively costly to install on Windows.

2.2 PhantomJS 2.1 (http://phantomjs.org/)

PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API and can be downloaded from:

  • A binary is available at:

  • Copy the static binary bin\phantomjs.exe to a suitable location, e.g. to C:\Program Files (x86)\PhantomJS\bin\phantomjs.exe and add C:\Program Files (x86)\PhantomJS\bin to the Windows system Path environment variable.

  1. Ghostscript 9 (http://ghostscript.com)

    Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF

    • The Ghostscript interpreter installer can be downloaded from:


      and the standard Ghostscript fonts (ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz) from:

    • Execute the installer gs9561w64.exe which installs Ghostscript to the default location C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.56. After successful installation add the C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.56\bin path to the Windows system Path environment variable.

    • Next extract the Ghostscript fonts directly into the C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.56\lib directory.


      • include the font files directly in the lib directory and not inside a fonts sub directory!
  2. GraphicsMagick (http://www.graphicsmagick.org)

    GraphicsMagick is a library for image processing

    • The GraphicsMagick installer can be downloaded from:

    • Execute the installer GraphicsMagick-1.3.36-Q16-win64-dll.exe which installs GraphicsMagick to the default location C:\Program Files\GraphicsMagick-1.3.36-Q16. After successful installation add the C:\Program Files\GraphicsMagick-1.3.36-Q16 path to the Windows system Path environment variable (This could be automatically achieved by selecting “Update executable search path” from within the installer).

    • After installation check if GraphicsMagick correctly finds Ghostscript:

      > gm convert -list Delegates
        ps<=>pdf    "C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.56\bin\gswin64c.exe" -q -dBATCH
                    -dSAFER -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
                    -sOutputFile=%o -- "%i" -c quit


    • GraphicsMagick requires the installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64).
    • GraphicsMagick and Ghostscript must be installed for the same architecture. Mixing 32-bit and 64-bit installations of GraphicsMagick and Ghostscript might cause problems.
  3. LibreOffice (https://www.libreoffice.org/)

    LibreOffice is a open source office suite. At least LibreOffice version 7 is required, best use the current release of LibreOffice.

    The “LibreOffice” installer can be downloaded from:

  4. Text/HTML converter

    Install markdown2 and html2text as follows

    • markdown2 converts text to HTML using the markdown markup

      Use pip to download and install markdown2:

      > pip install markdown2
    • html2text converts HTML to text using the markdown markup

      Use pip to download and install html2text:

      > pip install html2text
  5. Image converter

    For image conversion the Python Imaging Library is required

    Use the Python package manager pip to download and install:

    > pip install Pillow
  1. Apache Tika

    BSCW utilizes the Apache Tika toolkit (https://tika.apache.org) to extract metadata and text from uploaded documents. To enable the Apache Tika a Java Runtime Environment 8 must be available on the server host.

    To accelerate metadata extraction it is possible to install an optional standalone tika-server. For installation download the tika-server JAR archive from


    and copy it into the BSCW distribution

    > cd C:BSCWlibbscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27
    > copy tika-server-2.2.?.jar bscwlibexectika

    Additionally the tika Python package is required, use pip to download and install tika

    > pip install tika

If the prerequisites 1-7 are met run

  • bsadmin update_defaults to generate a new BSCW converter configuration (<bscw-runtime-path>\conf\config_convert.py). Use the verbose option (-v) to check if BSCW found the required converter programs to create the previews files:

    > cd C:\BSCW\srv\<bscw>
    > bin\bsadmin update_defaults -v
    Converter auto-configuration:
     Found Commands:
      'gm': 'c:\\program files\\graphicsmagick-1.3.??-q16\\gm.exe'
      'java': 'c:\\program files (x86)\\java\\jre1.8.0_???\\bin\\java.exe'
      'phantomjs': 'c:\\program files (x86)\\phantomjs\\bin\\phantomjs.exe'
      'unoconv': '"%(py)s" "%(cnv)s\\unoconv\\unoconv"'
    config_convert.py updated

Optionally you may create for all existing documents the required preview files using the bsadmin preview command:

> bin\bsadmin preview
 bsadmin preview list
 bsadmin preview create [-v|-q] [-f|-ff]  [<oid0> ... <oidn>]
 bsadmin preview delete [-v|-q]           [<oid0> ... <oidn>]
 bsadmin preview [-h]

    Generate Document preview documents

 positional arguments:
    list      print preview states and preview document file names
    create    created preview for documents in 'var/cache/preview'
    delete    deletes preview states and generated preview documents

 optional arguments:
    -f        force upgrade of all previews
    -ff       force upgrade of previews with state 'FAILURE'
    -v        verbose
    -q        quiet
    -h        show this help message and exit


  • On large BSCW installations bsadmin preview create may take a very long period (weeks!)
  • The execution of bsadmin preview create is not mandatory, because preview files are automatically scheduled for background creation the first time an existing folder is read by an user.

In the case of problems with automatic preview file generation enable logging by adding the following entry to BSCW_LOGGING in <bscw-runtime-path>\conf\config.py. The BSCW preview component will then log into <bscw-runtime-path>\var\log\prev.log:

    'sys': ('WARN', 'sys.log'),
    'prev': ('DEBUG', 'prev.log'),
    # ...

An preview log file entry:

2022-02-10 11:35:07 prev DEBUG pid 123 error: libexec/conv: Document#456
    ...gm convert: Unable to get type metrics...

indicates that the ghostscript standard fonts are missing resp. are not properly installed.


To disable the BSCW preview feature add an entry CREATE_PREVIEWS in <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/config.py:


4.4. Database Server and Garbage Collection

All data of the BSCW server is held in the BSCW data store and handled through the BSCW database server. The BSCW database server is managed with the bsadmin script, which is located in the BSCW instance directory <bscw-runtime-path>\bin. The BSCW server can be administered by executing the bsadmin script from a DOS shell as follows

> cd <bscw-runtime-path>

> bin\bsadmin start

Starts the BSCW server. If it is registered as a Windows service, the service is run, otherwise the server is started directly. To avoid calling bsadmin start manually, you can set up the windows service to start up at system boot or use the task scheduler instead (see below).


Controlling Windows services requires administrative privileges.

> bin\bsadmin stop

Stops the BSCW server. If it is registered as a Windows service, the service is stopped, otherwise the server is stopped directly.

Note: Controlling Windows services requires administrative privileges.

> bin\bsadmin garbage

Runs the garbage collection on the BSCW database. Note: the garbage collection requires the BSCW server to run!

> bin\bsadmin

Lists further administration functions.

We recommend that bsadmin start should be executed at system boot. To achieve this you have to register BSCW as Windows service. Furthermore for the garbage collection a task job must be set up, which calls these functions periodically (see below).

The BSCW database garbage collection must be run daily. The task of the garbage collector is to find unreferenced, e.g., obsolete objects in the data store and remove them. For performance reasons, a delete operation on an object may not remove the respective object physically from the store. If you do not run the garbage collector periodically, the BSCW data store will grow constantly although many of its objects are obsolete. This would waste disk space and may substantially reduce the performance of the BSCW server.

4.4.1. Windows Service

On Windows 10, Server 2016/2019 the BSCW server can be run as a Windows service. This is an optional, convenient way to launch it in the background without showing a DOS shell.

The BSCW installer offers to register a Windows service, starting up at boot time. If you have chosen to do this, you can use bsadmin start and bsadmin stop to start/stop the service assuming you are working with administrative privileges.

Additionally you may register resp. removed the Windows service later by executing the bsadmin script from a DOS shell as follows

> cd <bscw-runtime-path>

> bin\bsadmin service

Displays usage hints.

> bin\bsadmin service install

Registers the BSCW Windows service (manual startup).

> bin\bsadmin service --startup auto install

Registers the BSCW Windows service (startup at boot time).

> bin\bsadmin service remove

Removes the BSCW Windows service.

4.4.2. Task Scheduler

On Windows 10, Server 2016/2019 use the task scheduler to schedule periodic system commands (such as the garbage collection).

At least you have to schedule one job to run the BSCW garbage collector (e.g. once per night). Use the following command line to run the garbage collection:

"<bscw-runtime-path>\bin\bsadmin.bat" garbage

If you do not want to run the BSCW server as a Windows service, you may alternatively use the task scheduler to start it. Use the following command line to define a scheduled job to start BSCW at system boot:

"<bscw-runtime-path>\bin\bsadmin.bat" start


You may use the command above without quotes if the path names does not contain any spaces.


  • The task scheduler requires bsadmin.bat.
  • Do not run the same BSCW server instance more than once! This may seriously damage the BSCW database.

4.5. Further Configuration Details

All BSCW configuration parameters are stored (similar to the Unix version) in configuration files.

See also

Chapter 5 Configuration of BSCW Servers

These configuration files will be updated during the installation and can be changed by a BSCW administrator on the [Options ‣ Admin] page within the item “BSCW Server Settings” or by directly editing the respective configuration files (see below for further details).

The standard set up should create an installation which should be appropriate in most cases. However, if you want to modify the default settings, you will find respective information in this section. Please note in this section only Windows 10, Server 2016/2019 specific configuration options are explained:

  • BSCW server root definition
  • Apache HTTP server configuration
  • IIS configuration
  • BSCW registry settings
  • De-Installation

4.5.1. BSCW Server Root Definition

The server root - the hostname (and port) part of your BSCW servers URL - is specified in the BSCW server instance configuration file at <bscw-runtime-path>\conf\config.py. The variable SERVER_ROOT contains the absolute URL of your BSCW server and an optional port. If no port is specified the standard ports 80 (for HTTP) or 443 (for HTTPS) are assumed:

SERVER_ROOT = 'http://bscw.domain.org/'
SERVER_ROOT = 'http://bscw.domain.org:123/'
SERVER_ROOT = 'http://bscw.domain.org/'

A fully qualified host name is required as server name bscw.domain.org, in order to allow the BSCW server to resolve its name to an IP address (SERVER_ROOT may not contain an IP address anymore!).

Ideally you define a host name/nickname A/CNAME in your DNS zone, which points to your BSCW server host, e.g.:

server1.domain.org    A
server2.domain.org    A
bscw.domain.org       CNAME     server1.domain.org

Proceeding this way a future migration of your BSCW server from server1 to server2 will keep the well known URL http://bscw.domain.org and your license will not be invalidated by the migration.


Whenever the SERVER_ROOT is changed in the instance configuration file <bscw-runtime-path>\src\config.py you must call bsadmin update_helper in order to update the jnlp deployment files with the correct codebase URL. Otherwise users may not be able to launch or install the BSCW Desktop application anymore.

4.5.2. Apache HTTP Server Configuration

Download e.g from http://www.apachehaus.com/ or http://www.apachelounge.com/ and install an Apache HTTP server binary on your Windows host by following the instructions for your Apache HTTP server binary distribution.


After installing the Apache HTTP server it might be necessary to add an incoming firewall rule to your Windows Firewall for port 80 or 443.

BSCW requires in addition to a (virtual) web server for user access, a second (virtual) web server running on localhost ( This second (virtual) web server enables BSCW services (e.g. the User Notification Services (UNO) of section 7.4.1 or the alarm (ALARM) service) to access the BSCW database server via HTTP using the following URL:



The port, the script alias path and the script name may be changed by altering the configuration directives HTTP_LOCAL_PORT, SCRIPTS and CREATE_SCRIPTS in the instance configuration file <bscw-runtime-path>\conf\config.py.

The localhost port to the HTTP server defined in HTTP_LOCAL_PORT must support HTTP; HTTPS is not supported!

The BSCW setup process automatically generates the following Apache HTTP server configuration files


which contain all necessary configuration instructions.

The mod.conf file ensures the loading of additional modules required by BSCW and must be included in the main Apache HTTP server configuration file httpd.conf. Instead including this file you could enable the loading of the required modules

cgid_module (or cgi_module)









using your platform specific Apache layout.

The site.conf file contains several virtual host containers. Depending on your SERVER_ROOT definition in the instance configuration file <bscw-runtime-path>\conf\config.py the site.conf file defines the following virtual hosts:

  1. if a HTTP server root is defined (e.g. the SERVER_ROOT directive starts with http://...) the site.conf file defines two virtual host containers: a first virtual host container for localhost:80 required by internal BSCW services and a second virtual host container for the server root host name <hostname>:80 for requests.
  2. if a HTTPS server root is defined (e.g. the SERVER_ROOT directive starts with https://...) the site.conf file defines three virtual host containers: a first virtual host container for localhost:80 required by internal BSCW services, a second virtual host container for the server root host name <hostname>:80 which redirects all requests to the third virtual host container <hostname>:443 for SSL requests.

Both files include the bscw.conf file with the actual BSCW instance configuration. If you intend to use the site.conf file copy it to your Apache HTTP server configuration. Please note it will most likely not work out of the box, but you have to adapt it to your local Apache HTTP server configuration. Especially you will need to install certificates for your SSL enabled server and adapt the configuration in site.conf.


When using the BSCW site.conf file you should not include the httpd-vhosts.conf file which is included in the main configuration httpd.conf by default:

# Virtual hosts
#Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

The bscw.conf file contains the actual BSCW instance configuration for the Apache HTTP server. It may be included in the main configuration file httpd-vhosts.conf resp. httpd-ssl.conf if you manually define virtual hosts (within the standard Apache HTTP server layout) or in httpd.conf without defining virtual hosts:

Include <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/apache24/bscw.conf

When using virtual web server container (<VirtualHost> ... </VirtualHost>) directives, it is possible to include the <bscw-runtime-path>\conf\apache24\bscw.conf configuration file in multiple virtual web server containers. An example for a virtual web server definition in the Apache HTTP server configuration file should look as follows:

# Security Headers
<IfModule headers_module>
     Header set Referrer-Policy: "same-origin"
     Header set X-Content-Type-Options: "nosniff"
     Header set X-Frame-Options: "sameorigin"
#ServerTokens Prod
#TraceEnable Off

     ServerName  bscw.domain.org
     ServerAlias localhost
     ServerAdmin hostmaster@domain.org

     ErrorLog        logs/bscw_domain_org_error_log
     CustomLog       logs/bscw_domain_org_access_log common
     ScriptLog       logs/bscw_domain_org_error_log

     DocumentRoot "<bscw-path>/var/www"
     <Directory "<bscw-path>/var/www">
         options                     ExecCGI FollowSymLinks MultiViews
         AllowOverride               None
         DirectoryIndex              index.html default.htm
         LanguagePriority            en de es fr
         AddType                     text/html en de es fr
         ForceLanguagePriority       Fallback
         Require                     all granted

     Include "<bscw-runtime-path>/conf/apache24/bscw.conf"

<VirtualHost bscw.domain.org:80>
     ServerName  bscw.domain.org
     ServerAdmin hostmaster@domain.org

     ErrorLog        logs/bscw_domain_org_error_log
     CustomLog       logs/bscw_domain_org_access_log common
     ScriptLog       logs/bscw_domain_org_error_log

     DocumentRoot "<bscw-path>/var/www"
     <Directory "<bscw-path>/var/www">
         Options                     ExecCGI FollowSymLinks MultiViews
         AllowOverride               None
         DirectoryIndex              index.html default.htm
         LanguagePriority            en de es fr
         AddType                     text/html en de es fr
         ForceLanguagePriority       Fallback
         Require                     all granted

     Include        "<bscw-runtime-path>/conf/apache24/bscw.conf"

To provide a SSL encrypted web site your virtual web server definition should look like (Note: additionally you will still require a HTTP web server on localhost as defined above).

# Security Headers
<IfModule headers_module>
      Header set Referrer-Policy: "same-origin"
      Header set X-Content-Type-Options: "nosniff"
      Header set X-Frame-Options: "sameorigin"
#ServerTokens Prod
#TraceEnable Off

<VirtualHost bscw.domain.org:80>

     ServerName  bscw.domain.org
     ServerAdmin hostmaster@domain.org

     ErrorLog    logs/bscw_domain_org_error.log
     CustomLog   logs/bscw_domain_org_access_log common
     ScriptLog   logs/bscw_domain_org_script.log

     <IfModule alias_module>
         RedirectMatch permanent ^/(.*)$ https://bscw.domain.org/$1

<VirtualHost bscw.domain.org:443>
     ServerName  bscw.domain.org
     ServerAdmin hostmaster@domain.org

     ErrorLog    logs/bscw_domain_org_error.log
     CustomLog   logs/bscw_domain_org_access_log common
     ScriptLog   logs/bscw_domain_org_script.log

     <IfModule headers_module>
         Header set Strict-Transport-Security: "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"

     DocumentRoot "<bscw-runtime-path>/var/www"
     <Directory "<bscw-runtime-path>/var/www">
         Options                     ExecCGI FollowSymLinks MultiViews
         AllowOverride               None
         DirectoryIndex              index.html default.htm
         LanguagePriority            en de es fr
         AddType                     text/html en de es fr
         ForceLanguagePriority       Fallback
         Require                     all granted

     SSLEngine on
     SSLVerifyDepth 5

     #SSLCACertificateFile           conf/ssl/ca-bundle.crt
     #SSLCertificateChainFile        conf/ssl/bscw_domain_org_root.crt
     SSLCertificateKeyFile           conf/ssl/bscw_domain_org.key
     SSLCertificateFile              conf/ssl/bscw_domain_org.crt

     Include        "<bscw-runtime-path>/conf/apache24/bscw.conf"

You may change the BSCW Apache HTTP server configuration file by using the bsadmin conf_apache script. To adapt the generated Apache configuration file to your local web server settings use one of the following options:

  • If no option is used bsadmin conf_apache tries to read the old option setting from bscw.conf (if exists). Use option -n or remove bscw.conf if you want to avoid this.

  • If option -r is used (requires rewrite module) the user credentials are passed that the authentication is handled by the BSCW server (this is the default case).

  • If option -a is used, BSCW allows to let the Apache HTTP server perform authentication.

  • If option -s is used the Apache HTTP server is configured for authentication via client certificates. This option includes the -r option and requires a SSL enabled server.

  • If option -o is used client certificates authentication optional. This option includes the -r option and requires a SSL enabled server.

  • Option -S enables the following HTTP security headers: X-Content-Type-Options, Referrer-Policy, Strict-Transport-Security. Please make sure to apply these changes from conf/apache24/site.conf to your current configuration.

  • If the -D or -E options are used the Apache HTTP server is configured to compress (gzip) BSCW resources (-D) or to cache resources due to a long time future expiry date (-E). These options require the deflate (-D) or the expires (-E) modules (these options are enabled by default).

  • Using -d (instead of -D) also enables compression for BSCW responses.


    Compression and TLS encrypted connections may allow an information disclosure attack (for more information search for “breach” attacks).


  • If you are running several BSCW instances in different virtual hosts you must configure for each BSCW instance a different HTTP_LOCAL_PORT number and you must extend the VirtualHost directives by these local IP addresses/port pairs.
  • It might be necessary to add an extra Listen<HTTP_LOCAL_PORT> directive to the Apache HTTP server configuration file httpd.conf.

Remember to always restart your Apache HTTP server whenever the bsadmin conf_apache script was run.

4.5.3. IIS Configuration

The BSCW server requires additional virtual directory mappings of your Web server. They depend on the values specified for the SCRIPTS dictionary in the BSCW server configuration. By default the virtual directory mappings are

/sec           C:\BSCW\srv\<runtime>\var\www
/pub           C:\BSCW\srv\<runtime>\var\www

These directory mappings are set and configured automatically for IIS by BSCW on Windows 10, Server 2016/2019 using the installation program bsadmin conf_iis.


Before running bsadmin conf_iis you have to manually activate the CGI support for your IIS.

IIS 8/9/10 installation

If the Internet Information Services 8/9/10 are not installed on Windows Server 2016/2019 follow these instructions to install IIS:

  • (Windows Server 2016/2019) open the Server Manager Dashboard, open [Manage ‣ Add Roles and Features] and follow the wizard:

    [Before you login]
    [Installation type]
      [x] Role-based or feature based installation
    [Server Selection]
      [x] select a server from the server pool
      [<this server>]
    [Server Roles]
      [x] Web Server (IIS)
    [Web Server Role]
      [Role Services]
        [x] CGI

Manual IIS 8/9/10 configuration

Complete the installation steps of the wizard to install IIS. After installation configure IIS as follows:

  • select [<computer> ‣ Sites ‣ Default Web Site]

  • add new virtual directories

    • select in the context menu of the [Default Web Site ‣ Add Virtual Directory…]

    • add the following directory mappings:

      pub    -> <bscw-runtime-path>\var\www
      sec    -> <bscw-runtime-path>\var\www
  • configure virtual directories

    • open the virtual directory for pub resp. bscw and choose for each directory [Feature View ‣ Handler Mappings]

    • add in [Handler Mappings] a script mapping with [Add Script Map…]:

      Request Path:   .cgi
      Executable:     "<python-path>\python.exe" -u "%s"
      Name:           Python Script
    • open [Request Restrictions… ‣ Mapping] and deselect [Invoke handler only if request is mapped to]

    • confirm pop up windows of each [Add Script Map] question with OK.

BSCW uses its own built-in authentication scheme to check the access for the virtual directory bscw. Therefore no authentication filter is necessary. These configurations will be done for Windows 10, Server 2016/2019 by the BSCW administration command bsadmin conf_iis.


  • bsadmin conf_iis should be sufficient for automatic configuration of IIS version 8/9/10
  • The path to the Python interpreter <python-path> may not contain any space character (such as in C:\Program Files\Python27\python.exe), otherwise IIS will generate a broken configuration for itself!
  • On Windows Server 2016 only “Desktop Experience” installations are supported.

Hint: If your path <python-path> contains space characters alternatively you can use the Windows short filename (SFN or “8.3 filename”) to the python.exe executable.

4.5.4. De-Installation

The BSCW de-installation procedure only allows to remove BSCW libraries which are no longer in use by any installed BSCW instance. To de-install old BSCW libraries, start the BSCW de-installer program in the systems control panel.

4.6. Folder Mail Delivery

BSCW does not support BSCW folder mail delivery on Windows.