Benefits of using BSCW

BSCW supports asynchronous and synchronous cooperation with your partners over the Inter­net, in your Intranet or in a network with your business partners (Extranet).

For asynchronous (non-simultaneous) cooperation, BSCW offers shared workspaces that groups of people can use to store, manage, jointly edit and share information (documents, notes, URLs, tasks etc.).

The essential advantages:

      With a BSCW workspace, you may share information within a workgroup – indepen­dent of the specific computer systems that the members use.

      You do not need to install any software before using BSCW. You only need a standard Web browser.

      You access BSCW workspaces, browse folders and download documents to your local system just like ‘normal’ Web pages.

      BSCW keeps you informed of all relevant events in a shared workspace.

      You can upload documents to a shared workspace or create notes, URLs, tasks etc. using any standard Web browser.

For synchronous (simultaneous) cooperation, BSCW provides tools for

      planning and organizing meetings,

      starting ‘virtual’ meetings on the basis of conferencing systems or via telephone,

      ad-hoc communication with partners, who are currently logged into a shared work­space and therefore are likely to be working on a common task.