Deleting, copying and cutting tasks

Deleting tasks: When a contractor deletes a task from the task list, this action works exactly like a [Reject Task]. When a requestor deletes a task, it is moved to the trash and the task re­quest is withdrawn automatically. The requestor may now either undelete the task and carry on with processing, or destroy the task, what entails an automatic cancellation of the task.

Copying tasks: The status of the copied task is set to initial, eventual data field values or ob­jections and the start date and expected end date (if any) are removed as are eventual task notes. A copied task has no requestors. The other attributes and eventual attachments are copied from the original task.

Cutting tasks: Cutting a task moves the task to the clipboard from where it may be pasted to its new destination. Like when deleting a task, the task is removed from its original context and its request is automatically withdrawn, when cut by a requestor, and is rejected, when cut by a contractor. Task processing may continue in the destination folder. A rejected task may be copied to start processing over again.