Event categories

In BSCW, the events related to an object are grouped into five event categories. In the object entries of a folder page, each category is represented by a specific event icon.

new   Create event: The object is new to you, you have not seen it before. This event may be caused by yourself or another member of the workspace.

changed   Change event: The object has been changed. This may relate to changes of, e.g., the con­tents of the object or its description.

moved   Move event: The object has been moved from one location to another.

events inside  Events inside: There are recent change events for objects somewhere within this fol­der, including its subfolders and the objects contained therein. This icon is only dis­played for folders.

read  Read event: The object or an object it contains has been read, downloaded or copied. BSCW lists only the most recent read event per user. Events of this category are pro­pagated to higher-level folders and are included in their lists of read events.