
The following figure shows the elements of the header section of a folder page.

Figure 7: Header elements

The header section of a folder page – like the header section of a calendar page, of an address book page, etc. – has the following elements.

The top menu bar

top menu

contains the menus for creating and manipulating objects within the folder (or calen­dar, discussion, etc.). Details are given in 3.3 Actions.

The action shortcuts

action shortcuts

consist of frequently used actions like creating objects, e.g., documents, subfolders or discussions, initiating a search or getting more information about the current folder.

The instant access bar

instant access bar

gives access to personal objects like your home folder, clipboard, trash, address book and calendar.

The navigation bar

navigation bar

specifies the location of the current object in your folder hierarchy as home:your-user-name / active workspaces. The names in the directory path are links to the respective folder pages.

The banner


is empty by default; a banner consisting of text and graphics may be inserted individu­ally for each folder, if so desired (see 4.3.4 Creating a workspace banner).

The selection menu bar

selection menu bar

offers buttons for

      selecting select all or de-selecting select none all entries in the current page;

      enabling show subfolders or disabling hide subfolders the display of subfolders, when the option  View    Foldout  is active;

      applying the actions listed to the objects selected (check-marked).

The context menu

context menu

(an action button action menu at the lower right-hand corner of the header section of the folder page) offers all actions that are applicable to the current folder.