Linking subtasks to workflows: shared data fields

Workflows are defined by creating subtasks of a parent task and linking these subtasks via shared data fields. Data fields within the scope of a parent and its subtasks are identified by their name only. E.g., when a subtask input field is defined as a and a is also a parent input data field, then subtask and parent task share data field a. Sharing a data field means sharing the name as well as the value when valid. This has the consequence that the value of data field a is copied from parent task to subtask when it becomes available, in this case when the par­ent task is requested. The value of the data field a cannot be assigned in the subtask in­de­pen­dently of the parent task.

Figure 31 shows an example where sub­task Task T1 takes its input from the parent task Task T and feeds its output into peer tasks Task T2 and Task T3.