Project folders

You create a new project folder as follows:

      Select  File    New    Project  in the top menu of a folder where you hold the manager role. In the ‘New Project’ form you enter the name and an optional description of the project.

After having created a new project folder, the project manager will invite more project mem­bers, thus converting the project folder into a shared workspace.

In the next step, you as project manager define the individual processes which make up the project:

      Select  File    New    Process  in the top menu of the project folder.

      In the ‘New Process’ form you enter the name and an optional description of the proc­ess. You select the project member responsible for the process from a list of all project members. In addition, you must specify start and end date of the new process.

You repeat this step as many times as you want to have processes for your project. The pro­cesses are also stored in the personal task lists of the project members respon­si­ble. Besides pro­cesses, you may also create other objects in the process folder (documents, discussions, sub­folders, etc.)

Every project folder automatically contains a bar chart, which is a special kind of object that visualizes the project and its processes in form of a Gantt chart and that additionally serves the purpose of project date management.

      Click the bar chart object to view the temporal conditions of the project.

The initial process dates entered by you as project manager count as proposed by you, not as agreed. The project members responsible for the different processes may propose other dates. Only the project manager may accept proposed dates in the bar chart object. This and other functions of the bar chart will be detailed in the next section.