You may inspect the document events inside a folder as follows:
Select Document
Events in the action menu of the folder.
• The ‘Show Document Events’ form initially shows a list of all documents in the current folder and its subfolders that you have created, i.e. the default selection of documents is the set of ‘your’ documents. For each document, the list contains the users who have read the particular document. This way, you can find out how often and by whom your documents were read (as a starting point).
• At the top of the form, you can select another set of documents to be shown in the action form: documents of the current folder which have been created, modified or read by a certain member of the workspace or another user who may no longer be a member of the workspace. Make your choice by clicking one of the radio buttons, by picking one of the members from the selection list offered or by entering a user name manually. Hit [New selection] to have the new list of documents presented in the action form.
• If an indexer is installed with your BSCW server that indexes all documents on the server for a quicker content search (see 4.8.2 Finding BSCW documents based on content), you can further narrow down the set of documents presented in the action form: enter a search query to filter the document selection.
• To display the events of your current document selection graphically, hit the upper of the two [Event map] buttons. To display an event map concerning all documents of the current folder, hit the lower [Event map] button.
A document event map will be presented in a new tab (or a new window) of your browser. The bigger part of the event map display is used by the event map itself, a graph with documents and users as nodes and with edges in different colours symbolizing the events. You may control the display of the event map as follows:
• Click on a node to move the node to the center of the display, thus having more detail presented in the neighbourhood of the node.
• You may also drag a node or edge around to change the display of the event map.
The left-hand part of the event map display contains a drop-down menu for controlling the event map, a text field listing the events concerning the node currently in focus and the [Close] button (see Figure 8).
• Select a user or document in the drop-down menu to move the corresponding user or document node to the center of the event map. Clicking on the node in the event map has the same effect. The text field below the menu will list all events concerning the user or document selected.
• Hit [Close] if you are done with the event map.
You may generate more event maps by returning to the ‘Show Document Events’ action form, doing a [New selection] and hitting [Event map]. Click on [Go back] to end the action.