Automatic versioning

As owner you may impose version control on complete folders and their subfolders, so that all docu­ments that are newly created and all existing documents that are edited or replaced are auto­matically put under version control.

      Select  File    Change    Properties  in the top menu of the folder you want to put under ver­sion control. The action is also available in the action menu of a folder entry.

      The section ‘Auto-Versioning’ of the action form – that is also present when a folder is created – offers four options:

      The setting inherited from some superior folder or the BSCW server default set­ting, when no superior folder has a setting different from the default. The default set­ting is usually ‘no automatic versioning’, but may differ for your server; if in doubt ask your BSCW administrator.

The rest of the options are explicit settings for the current folder:

      Automatic version control with an unlimited number of versions.

      Automatic version control up to specific number of versions; generating a version exceeding the number specified will destroy the oldest version.

      No automatic version control, version control has to be imposed explicitly.

      The current setting is indicated by the option preselected. Make your choice and con­firm with [OK].

Automatic version control is inherited by all subfolders of a folder unless the subfolders have a specific automatic version control setting of their own. Thus, you may put a whole subtree of your folder hierarchy under version control with the possible exception of some folders for which you explicitly specify no automatic version control.

You may also set automatic ver­sion control for single documents via action  Change    Properties  in the action menu, e.g. to except certain docu­ments from version control or to specify version control with a limited number of versions. This is also offered when a document is created.

The automatic versioning option valid for a certain folder or document is shown on the info page under Details (click info on the left-hand side of the object entry). If there is no entry ‘Auto-Versioning’ in the Details section, then the BSCW server default setting applies to this folder or document.

When you set automatic versioning for a folder (unlimited or limited number of versions) the following will happen to the already existing documents and subfolders:

Documents not under version control: remain unchanged, i.e. as documents without versions. A subsequent  Edit  or  Replace  action will automatically turn such documents into documents under version control with the original as first version and the edited or re­placed document as second version. You may of course also put such documents under ver­sion control manually via  Version    Control .

Documents under version control: When automatic versioning is specified with an un­limited number of versions, the documents remain unchanged. When automatic versioning is specified with a limited number of versions, documents with a number of versions ex­ceed­ing the maximal number specified will be put under version control with an un­limited number of versions, so that no existing versions are accidentally destroyed. For other do­cu­ments automatic version control applies as specified.

Documents under version control with an explicit automatic versioning setting: remain unchanged and keep their specific setting.

Subfolders: Subfolders with an explicit automatic version control setting keep this setting, all other subfolders inherit the setting from the current folder.

All documents that are newly created within the folder, e.g. via  New    Document  or per drag and drop uploading, will be put under version control as specified (with the new document as first version). Note that documents that are inserted into the folder via  Edit    Paste  will not auto­ma­tically be put under version control; only editing or replacing such docu­ments will do so as ex­plained above. If you generate a new  Branch  from a document already under version con­trol (see 5.3.4 Branching versions), the branch document will be put under the same version control that is valid for the folder. Note that versions from which a branch was generated may not be destroyed. Such versions do not count for automatic versioning with a limited number of versions.

If you revoke automatic versioning for a folder, i.e. choose the option ‘No automatic ver­sion­ing’ or return to the BSCW server default when this comes up to no automatic versioning, the documents contained in the folder (and its subfolders) will not be modified and no existing versions will be lost. Documents and subfolders that had a specific automatic versioning setting of their own will keep this setting. Other subfolders inherit the new setting, other documents become normal documents – either under version control or not, but with no automatic versioning setting.

Note: As explained above, revoking automatic versioning or restricting automatic versioning to a smaller version limit will not destroy any versions whatsoever. If you want to remove versions that you don’t need any more, you have to manually destroy them via  Destroy Ver­sions . Should that concern many folders and documents, ask your BSCW administrator to help you with an automated script.