BSCW at a glance

This section can only touch upon a small subset of BSCW functions. It is intended to give you a first impression of what a BSCW workspace looks like.

Please bear in mind that the objects we describe and also the actions we discuss in the fol­lowing example of a workspace may not be available to you in some of your workspaces. This may be due to, e.g.,

the configuration of the BSCW server you use,

the level of proficiency with BSCW that you have chosen for yourself. At the Begin­ner level – the default when you start using BSCW – you will be offered fewer ac­tions and objects at the interface than are shown below. You may change your level of pro­ficiency as described in 4.3.2 Levels of proficiency.


The folder page

Shared objects in a workspace

Personal objects

Actions on the current folder or workspace

Actions on selected objects

Actions on a particular object