In order to close a BSCW session,
select File
in the top menu, which will present you with the publicly accessible
welcome page of your BSCW server. Alternatively, press at the upper
right-hand corner of the BSCW interface.
• With some browsers, you are first asked to authenticate again. In this case, you must authenticate with an empty password to actually close the BSCW session. Cancelling the authentication at this point does not close your session with BSCW.
For some Web browsers the explicit log off cannot be provided. In this case, you have to close a BSCW session by terminating the Web browser program on your local computer. Until log off or termination of the browser the access rights remain in effect that were granted to you under your user name.
Note: If you share your computer with other people (e.g., in a public Internet cafe), do not forget to close your BSCW session after you have finished working with BSCW.