Communities as shared mailing lists

Communities may also be used as shared email distribution lists: By default, every commu­nity member has the right to send email messages to the whole community. Of course, also the members of the associated community workspace may send email messages to the com­munity.

You send an email message to a community as follows:

      Go to the members’ page of the community workspace by clicking on the members + community icon shown in the ‘Share’ column of the community workspace entry.

      Select action  Send to    Email  in the action menu of the community. This will present the ‘Send Email’ form with the community email address already inserted into the ‘To:’ field. Alternatively, you may also use send e-mail (Send Email) in the multi-selection tool­bar.

Note that send e-mail (Email) in the multi-selection toolbar may not be used for sending email mes­sages to communities, because this action sends the email message from your local email client to the BSCW server for distribution. BSCW servers, however, cannot distribute re­ceiv­ed email mes­sages currently.

When you plan to use a community as shared mailing list, the admission policy should be hid­den or closed and the community role should not include the right to invite or remove mem­bers, so that you can control community membership. As community role you should choose, e.g., Associate member, but not Member (includes right to destroy the whole commu­nity) or Manager (includes right to manage community membership).