Creating votings

In order to create a new voting in the current workspace, you proceed as follows.

      Select  File    New    Voting  in the top menu. The action form ‘Add Voting’ has four sec­tions where you specify the new voting. The action form is to a large extent very si­mi­lar to the action form for creating new polls. The section ‘Participants’ is added for votings and some options in section ‘General’ are different.

      The section ‘General’ is structured like the corresponding section for the creation of polls with the following differences:

      Start and end of the voting period have to be specified by exact dates, there are no never ending votings. The organizer of a voting, i.e. its creator, may choose to be reminded of the approaching end of the voting period.

      There are no public votings. The participants of a voting are determined in section ‘Participants’.

      In section ‘Participants’ you enter the participants of the voting. The members of the workspace in which you create the voting are preselected as participants. You may now add further participants by entering their user names or email addresses (as you would invite members to a workspace). You may also remove participants already entered, thereby excluding them from the voting.

Note that participants of a voting do not automatically become members of the con­tain­ing workspace, but are invited via email and access the voting by means of per­son­al­ized links. You may also enter email addresses of persons as participants who are not registered users of your BSCW server. Such persons can participate in the voting without becoming registered users.

You can specify the language of the automatically generated invitation email and add an optional personal comment.

      In sections ‘Questions’ and ‘Attributes’ you enter the questions to be voted on and optional attributes in exact the same way as would for a poll (see previous section).

      Confirm with [OK] to create the new voting.