Members’ page

The members’ page of a workspace provides a list of the users, the member groups and possi­bly a community that are currently members of the workspace (forming the member group ‘Members of workspace-name’). The entries of the members’ page let you access information about the individual members. The menu bars of the members’ page offer all the functionality you need for membership administration.

      Click the members icon next to the workspace name to display the members’ page of the work­space.

The entries in the members’ page list the members invited to the workspace. This includes

persons with pending membership – listed with their email address. A membership is pending if a person has been invited but has not yet registered as a user of the BSCW server. This person cannot use the shared workspace until the registration is com­pleted. A person whose membership is pending can be reminded to register:

      Click action  Access   Re-invite  to send another invitation to this email address.

persons who are registered users of the BSCW server – listed by their user name and their

email address or

full name and organizational affiliation.

member groups – listed as ‘Members of workspace-name’. Members of these groups are exclusively represented by their groups and are not visible as individual members.

a community – listed under its name, which by default is the name of the workspace to which the members' page belongs. Community members are represented by their community and are not visible as individual members.

Note: Like any other BSCW object, a member group has a history that contains the events of adding or removing members. You may refer to this history for information about former mem­bers of the workspace. Choose action  Information    History  to display the entire history of your work­space group.


Accessing information about a workspace member

Membership administration