Tags are freely chosen keywords that are used to describe and classify most BSCW objects including folders, documents, URLs, notes, RSS feeds, communities and even users. Tags are used for finding objects and detecting relationships.
Tags may be assigned to new objects during creation by filling in the ‘Tags’ field of the action form. Objects may have any number of tags. Just enter your tags as words separated by blanks. Note that with tags there is no distinction between upper and lower case.
You can assign new tags to existing objects, add more tags or change existing tags by
selecting Change
from the action menu of the object and change the tags in the ‘General’
Tags – like named attributes – are shown below the description of an object; they appear as tooltips when viewing options are set that no descriptions or only compact descriptions are shown.
Tags shown in a folder listing may be clicked on to initiate a search for objects with the same tag. In this case, the search domain is the smallest workspace containing the current folder, i.e. the workspace from which the current folder inherits its members.
Apart from this possibility of initiating a tag search, tags may also be used in regular BSCW searches.
Tags play an even more prominent role within blogs: the tags used for the blog entries are shown according to relative frequency. Display of blog entries may be restricted to blog entries labeled with a certain tag (for details see 4.8 Blogs).