
The trash contains all objects that you have deleted from your folders using action  Delete  in the action menu of an object or using delete in the multi-selection toolbar for a set of objects that you have selected beforehand. The trash icon is displayed in the instant access bar of a folder page. Its form indicates whether or not there are objects in the trash.

      Click the trash icon trash to inspect the contents of your trash. Alternatively, select  GoTo    Trash  in the top menu. Trash contents are displayed like any other folder page.

Two actions for objects in the trash are additionally offered in the multi-selection toolbar (and also in the action menus of the object entries):

undelete   Undelete – returns the objects selected to the locations from which they were deleted, i.e. moved to the trash – if these locations are still available. If not, you may simply cut the ob­jects and paste them to a folder of your choice.

delete   Destroy – deletes the objects selected from your trash. You thereby lose access to these ob­jects via the entries destroyed (you may have still access to these objects via other entries, e.g., created by a action  Link    to Clipboard  action). If you are going to de­stroy a shared workspace, where you are the only owner, and would lose access to the work­space completely, the work­space would be lost also for the other members. In this case, you will be warned before such a workspace is destroyed. If you destroy a shared work­space, that you do not own or that has other owners, you simply lose your mem­ber­ship, i.e. you leave the workspace; the workspace itself remains intact for the re­main­ing members.

Special rules apply to deleting versions of documents under version control (see 5.3.6 Destroying versions).

Who owns deleted and destroyed objects?

Ownership becomes important when disk space control (‘quota system’) has been activated for your BSCW server, because all objects that you own are added to your disk space quota, and this may eventually lead to a violation of your disk space limit. Deleting and destroying objects may change the ownership.

When you delete an object, i.e. move it to your trash, the same rules apply with respect to ownership and membership as if you would cut the object, i.e. move it to your clipboard. That means for the standard cases of a document, which you have created in a folder which you do not own, and a workspace, to which you have been invited, that you become the owner of the deleted document in your trash, and that other members of the folder, if any, lose access to the document, while deleting the workspace leaves ownership (and membership) untouched.

Destroying objects in the trash relieves you from ownership – given that you are an owner – if you do not still have access to the objects destroyed via other links.

For a more in-depth and comprehensive discussion see 4.6.5 Ownership and ownership transfer.