Change contacts

All contact information can be

      be changed with Ein Bild, das Tisch, Hocker enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung Change Properties in the context menu of a contact.

When editing a user contact, i.e. a contact assigned to a user, there are the following peculiarities:

      Under the fields of the 'Change contact' action form, in case of discrepancies, those entries are displayed in green that the user himself has made in his personal profile for the corresponding field. His/her username is added in brackets.

      Select the [Match with original] button to apply the values of the assigned user for one or more fields.

      Select the [Replace with original] button to apply the values of the assigned user for all fields. This converts the contact into an original user contact and automatically adjusts the contact details whenever the user changes their personal profile.

      Select [Edit] to continue with the usual editing of the contact.

      Finish the editing with [OK].

Note: Even if you have transferred user data to a contact with [Match with original], as described above, these fields are not automatically matched when the user himself makes changes.

When you change an original user contact, the original contact becomes a normal contact and the contact details are no longer automatically matched to the user's personal profile. You will be notified of this fact by a message in the 'Change contact (copy)' action form.