Public entry pages for anonymous access

Shared workspaces or private folders with public access can be provided with an additional entry page for anonymous access. While the members of the folder can work in the folder with the 'normal' user interface, the anonymous user is presented with the special entry page. This way, even with anonymous access, the folder remains hidden and only selected contents are presented to the anonymous user who may not even realize that he is in a BSCW workspace.

The creation of public entry pages is intended for users who know how to create HTML pages.

Please note that public entry pages only work if they have been allowed by the BSCW administrator beforehand. For this purpose the administrator must


into the BSCW configuration file.

The entry page is an HTML file named index.html that must be contained in the published folder. The mechanism of index.html in published BSCW folders acts similar to the presence of a page named index.html in a website directory: when accessed from the World-Wide Web, the contents of the directory or folder are not displayed, but the index.html file is.

How to create public entry pages in BSCW:

      Create the index.html file with HTML document in the menu of the folder to be published with an entry page.

      Edit index.html according to your requirements. Relative references in index.html allow you to refer to other objects in the BSCW folder. A schematic example is given later in this section.

      Open the folder for anonymous access through  Public Access .

      Anonymous users may now use your folder with the usual addressing scheme of BSCW:


Under the URL


the portal folder is of course still available in its full functionality for non-anonymous users.

Example of a public entry page

The following example shows how the HTML source code of a public entry page might look like. This entry page shows anonymous users links to two documents in the published folder embedded in text of your choice.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <title> page title</title>




    <p>Any text</p>

    <p><a href="./Document1.txt">reference to document 1</a>

        <p>Any text</p>

    <p><a href="./subfolder/document2.txt">reference to document 2</a>

    <p>Some text</p>



Consider preferred language

You can provide a public entry page in different languages, for example, by placing an index-fr.html file in this directory that contains the French translation of the index.html file. Now anonymous users with French browser interface will see this page in the French version.