Event symbols indicate current events. Exactly those events are current that took place after the last confirmation of the event list.
• Call in the context menu to indicate
that you have taken note of the object's current events.
This means that these events are no longer current for you. BSCW will therefore no longer display the icons to you - but they will continue to be displayed to the other members until they confirm them as well.
You can confirm events of certain types:
• Click an event icon of an object to display its list of current events of this type.
• In this page, click [Confirm].
All events shown in this list are now out of date for you. Any events that occur while your web browser is displaying the event list are, of course, up to date and are again indicated by an icon.
Note: Unlike BSCW Classic, new events are also indicated by an orange bar or dot in the content view of a folder. Once you have seen a folder, all events of the folder are automatically confirmed.