Calendar actions

The action menu of an appointment contains the actions you may use to handle your appoint­ments. The following actions are specific actions for appointments.

       iCalendar  exports the appointment data in a format understood by other calendar tools, e.g., Outlook and StarOffice. An according file is sent to your Web browser for import of the appointment by such calendar tools. You may also export all appointments of a calendar using  File    iCalendar  in the top menu.

      Appointment data in the ‘iCalendar’ format (MIME type text/calendar, Windows file extension *.ics) can also be imported to a BSCW calendar using  File    Import (iCalendar)  in the top menu. Alternatively, you can upload one or several .ics files via drag & drop using the drag & drop uploader.

Note: If you are working on a Windows platform locally, you can synchronize all ap­pointments of a BSCW calendar with the appointments in an Outlook calendar. See 9.7 Outlook synchronization for details.

       Join  lets you participate in the virtual meeting foreseen for this appointment (available if online tools have been specified for this appointment; see 7.1.4 Participating in a virtual meeting).

       Confirm  confirms your participation in the appointment (action available when you are invited as participant and have not yet confirmed).

       Decline  declines your participation in the appointment (action available when you are in­vited as participant and have not yet declined).

       Change  lets you edit the diverse properties of an appointment.

       Attach  lets you attach a document or a URL to an appointment. Attachments are indi­cated in the day and month view by a attachment icon if the according option has been acti­vated via  View    Entries . Click on this icon to access the attachments folder. Attach­ments to appointments are handled like attachments to notes.

       to Calendar  adds an appointment of a group calendar to your personal calendar.

The rest of the actions in the appointment action menu consists of generic actions showing the same behaviour for appointments as they do for other objects.