Using different views

A calendar may be viewed in different formats.

      Click on the  View  menu and choose the mode which is appropriate for your current needs.

Day shows all the appointments of a specific day.

Week shows the whole week.

Month shows the whole month.

Quarter shows the whole quarter of the year.

Year shows the whole year.

Contents show a list of all appointments in the calendar.

In the ‘Contents’ view you can manage appointments like you are used to in normal folders, e.g., sort them by category or status. In the other views you may navigate using the previous or next arrows.

You may control what sort of detailed appointment information is shown in the different cal­endar views by activating or deactivating the options of  View    Entries . Because there is more room, the day view offers more options than, e.g., the month or year view. After you have activated the option  Check Box  in the day, week or month view, you may use the selection menu bar for actions on several appointments at a time.

Using  View    Filter , you may restrict the appointments shown in the calendar to those having a certain status by selecting the respective filter option. When the filter option ‘Invited’ is ac­tive, e.g., only appointments to which you have been invited as participant are shown.

You may highlight weekends in the calendar views by activating the option  View    Highlight Weekends . In the month and week view, you may also suppress the weekends altogether by activating the option  View    Skip Weekends ; days of the weekend will then only be shown if they contain appointments. Use  Options    Calendar  to specify which days of the week are to count as weekend for you.

By default, the duration of an appointment is indicated in the day and week view of a calen­dar. You may have only the beginning of an appointment shown by deactivating the option  View    Show duration .

By activating the option  View    Shrink Columns , the days of the week containing no appoint­ments will get less room in the week and month view of a calendar; consequently, there will be more room for the display of appointments on the other days of the week.