Creating tasks

Tasks are created via  File    New    Task  within an arbitrary workspace. The creator specifies the name of the task, a description, the contractors of the task, the names of the input and out­put data fields associated with the task, and a task duration. Task name and description should indicate what the task is about. As contractors, users are selected that are to carry out the task. When several users are selected as contractors of the task, they will compete for the execution of the task on a “first come, first serve” basis. The task duration is specified as the number of days within which the contractor is expected to finish the task. From the task duration, an ex­pected end date of the task is computed when the task is actually started. Task attributes may also be changed after creation (see 8.3.5 Editing Tasks).

All task attributes are optional with the exception of the task name. The task contractors, however, have to be specified at the latest when the task is actually started.