Viewing tasks

The attributes of a task may be viewed by clicking on a task object. The upper part of the task view shows name, description, status, temporal attributes if available, requestor and con­trac­tors, and the data fields of a task in a form-like manner, while the lower part shows the other contents of the task folder (attachments, notes, subtasks) in a conventional folder view. The task view also provides action buttons for task processing (see next section).

Data field values and objections may be filled in directly into the respective form fields when present. They may be saved using the [Save Form] button of the task view. Saving data field values or objections makes these values or objections visible to other holders of the same role that filled in the values or objections. E.g., if a contractor enters and saves an objec­tion to an input field, this objection will be visible to all other contractors, but not to the requestor. Data field values or objections are visible to all task participants when they are valid, i.e. cannot be changed in the present status of the task. Data field values or objections are validated using an appropriate task action.