Initially, your personal portal is empty. You populate your portal with so-called widgets, i.e. windows to workspaces, events, appointments, contacts etc.
• Select File New Widget to create a new widget.
• The action form ‘New Widget’ offers an icon bar from which to select the type of the new widget. When you move the cursor over a widget icon, the exact character of the widget will be shown as tooltip. Examples for widget icons are:
BSCW contents like
folders, events, appointments, tasks, bookmarks, contacts.
external RSS
applications like weather forecasts or traffic news.
Netvibes widgets.
• Enter a name for the new widget. By default, the widget type is taken as name. You can also enter tags for the new widget.
• The BSCW widgets you create this way all focus on your personal domains in BSCW: widgets of type navigator, folder and contents show your home folder, widgets of type calendar, tasks, bookmarks and address book show your personal calendar, task list, bookmark folder and address book, respectively. A widget of type events lists current events concerning all your workspaces. These default specifications of the so-called context of the widget may be changed later. How to directly create widgets that show e.g. the contents of a specific folder or group calendar is described below.
• Further details concerning the new widget, e.g. the source of an RSS feed widget, cannot be specified at creation time. Here, a default value is taken that may be changed later.
• Hit [OK] to create the new widget.
The new widget will be inserted into your personal portal at a free place.
You may also create widgets by
selecting Link
in the action menu of an entry in a normal folder listing. Linking a folder
entry to your portal creates a folder widget showing the contents of the
respective folder, which is also the case for a template folder or contact list.
In the case of a group calendar a calendar widget is created showing the
appointments of the respective group calendar. For discussion forums, blogs and
RSS feeds, a contents widget is created focusing on the respective object. For
all other kinds of objects an info widget is created that shows important
information about the respective object.
• You
create several widgets at a time by linking several objects to your portal:
select the objects by checking their check boxes and click in the
multi-selection toolbar.
Continue to create new widgets until you have all important information displayed in your personal portal.