Mobile portal

The mobile portal is your entry page for mobile access to your BSCW server. The functional­ity offered is accessible from this page. For simplified navigation and better orientation you will get back to the mobile portal from all services provided in the portal.

The mobile portal lets you choose among its different functions:

      Contacts: access to your address book,

      Documents: access to your workspaces,

      Events: overview of recent events,

      Bookmarks: access to your bookmarks,

      Preferences: configuration of the mobile portal,

      About: general version information.

Figure 15: Mobile portal


The contacts area lists all users contained in your personal address book. Furthermore, you may search for users and add new users to your address book.

For each contact listed you will get further information on a special contact page. This page shows contact details and offers actions to contact the person listed. You may make a phone call (if your device supports this function) by selecting one of the phone numbers shown, or send an email message by selecting the email address. In this case the email application of the mobile device is used (if your device supports this function). Alternatively, you may use the [Email] action to send an email message to the person listed via the BSCW server.


The document area provides access to contents of your workspaces. You may browse your folders stored on the BSCW and get access to document details on special info pages. In comparison to the standard BSCW user interface, the folder view is rather simplified.

When you select a document in a folder view, the details of this document are shown. Here you find, e.g., the document description, its size, its type and when it was last modified. You may also download the document to the mobile device by following the link provided with the document name. Please note that not all documents can be shown on a mobile device. For further details consult the operating instructions of your device or contact the manufacturer.

Within the folder view you may perform simple changes of descriptive context information on the objects shown. It is possible to change the description of a document or to attach a new note. Frequently accessed folders may be bookmarked to simplify later access.

Figure 16: Document details


The mobile portal provides an overview of recent activities in your shared workspaces. The most recent events (not yet caught up with) are listed in chronological order in the event channel.

In the event channel all events are listed by date. For each event the name of the object af­fected and the name of the user who caused the event are shown. By selecting the name of the object, you get to the respective info page in the document area, by selecting the name of the user, you get to the contact page of this user.


Bookmarks may refer to BSCW objects as well as to Web pages. Every user has a personal bookmark folder for the management of bookmarks in BSCW.

The bookmarks area of the mobile portal provides access to your bookmarks in BSCW. This allows you to easily access frequently used folders and documents in BSCW while being on the move.