Views on folders

You are able to customize the way your folders and other container objects (discussion fo­rums, cal­en­dars etc.) are displayed at the BSCW user interface. The options are offered in the  View  menu in the top menu bar and differ slightly for different kinds of container objects (num­ber of columns available, or special functions like the display of note contents in dis­cus­sion forums).

      Choose  View    Foldout  to enable or disable the display of subfolders. If the foldout option is active, two additional buttons show subfolders hode subfolders in the multi-selection toolbar allow show­ing or hiding the contents of the subfolders selected (if no subfolders are selected, the con­tents of all subfolders are shown or hidden). If showing the con­tents of subfolders would exceed the maximal number of visible entries in folder list­ings set in your per­sonal preferences, the subfolders contents are only hinted at and not shown com­plete­ly.

      Choose  View    Compact  to reduce descriptions to one short line; the complete de­scrip­tion (including attributes and tags) is shown as a tooltip when you move your mouse over the shortened description. The icons  and  indicate that a description is longer than can be shown in the compact view.

      Choose  View    Descriptions  to show or hide the descriptions of folder entries alto­gether.

      Choose  View    Columns  to select which attributes of an entry are to be displayed in the columns of the folder view. The columns offered depend on the type of the current container: there are fewer columns in a member list than in the task list.

      Choose  View    Sort    by ...  to sort the entries of a folder. The sorting criteria available are a subset of the entry attributes. The current sorting criterion is indicated by a small upward or downward pointing triangle ( ) in front of the criterion in the drop down menu. By clicking on this icon you can invert the sorting order.
The current sorting criterion is also indicated by a small black triangle ( ) near the re­spec­tive column heading – when the column is shown at all. By clicking on a column head­ing which is underlined – meaning that the column attribute is a valid sorting cri­te­rion – you may directly sort the entries of a folder. Clicking on the column heading corresponding to the current sorting criterion inverts the sorting order.

      Choose  View    Filter  to display only objects of a certain type or documents of a certain MIME type. The currently applied filter is indicated at the right-hand end of the multi-selection toolbar. Select ‘No Filter’ to have all objects and documents displayed in the folder listing.

With some container objects, you have additional options in the  View  menu, e.g. you may enable the display of note contents in discussion forums, or you may select among many viewing options for the display of calendars.

You may change several viewing options at a time by selecting  View    Customize . The action form has two sections: in the ‘General’ section you may activate or deactivate ap­plic­able options (like Foldout, Compact or Descriptions), while in the ‘Columns’ section you may set the columns to display in the folder listing.

Scope of viewing options

You have the choice of having the viewing options set and stored individually for each folder and container object or of having the viewing options of one folder or container applied to all other folders and containers of the same or similar type as well. This option is set in your per­sonal pre­ferences:

      Click  Options    Preferences  in the top menu bar and go to the ‘Presentation’ section of the action form.

      Check the option Remember each folder’s view options if each folder is to be in­di­vi­du­al­ly treated with regard to viewing options; otherwise, the viewing options set for one folder or container also count for each and every other folder of the same or similar type.

If the Remember option is active, you are still able to transfer viewing options to other folders or containers.

      Choose  View    Apply to All Similar  to set the viewing options of the current folder or con­tainer also for all other folders or containers of the same or similar type. By applying the viewing option of a folder to all similar containers, you transfer the viewing op­tions to all other folders, website folders, template folders, flow folders, community fol­ders, document sets as well as to personal objects like the clipboard and the brief­case, and vice versa. Using this action, viewing options are transferred from one cal­en­dar to all other calendars and from one discussion forum to all other dis­cus­sion forums. Also, member lists and the address book are treated as similar.

When you have changed the viewing options of the current folder, you may still revert to the viewing options transferred to the current folder via  Apply to All Similar  by

      choosing  View    Reset .

If the Remember option is inactive, viewing options are set for all folders and containers of the same and similar type alike. You may exclude certain folders or containers from taking over the viewing options from peer containers by

      checking  View    Individual  for a particular folder or container. You may then set the viewing options for this folder or container different from the viewing options from other containers of the same or similar type. The viewing options for individual fol­ders or containers are protected from being overridden by the settings of other folder or containers.

When the Individual option of a folder or container is deactivated, the viewing options are re­set to the viewing options of the non-individualized folders or containers of the same type.

If you want to apply the viewing options of an individualized folder to other folders and con­tainers of similar type,

      choose  View    Apply to All Similar . Other individual folders will remain untouched by this action.