What’s new in version 4.5?

Appointment scheduling
An appointment scheduling helps in finding an agreeable date for a group ap­point­ment. The participants vote on several date proposals. Parti­cipants may be BSCW users as well as other per­sons and are notified via email. The orga­ni­zer determines the final date of the appointment depending on the outcome of the voting and all parti­ci­pants are informed about this date (see 7.2 Appointment scheduling).

Personalized votings      
Votings like polls consist of a number of questions that are to be answered by the participants. In contrast to polls, votings are not anonymous but by name, i.e. each participant can see how the others have voted. Additionally, participants of a voting may be arbitrary persons identified by their user name or email address, i.e. par­ti­ci­pants are not re­stricted to the member group of the workspace that contains the voting (see 7.3 Polls and votings).

Automatic versioning     
Version control may imposed on whole folders and their subfolders, so that all docu­ments that are newly created and all existing documents that are edited or replaced are auto­matically put under version control (see 5.3.7 Automatic versioning).

Personal portal     
Your personal portal for BSCW is meant to be a personalized starting page for a quick and direct ac­cess to important information on your BSCW server and often used ex­ter­nal applications. It can show the contents of important workspaces, an over­view of recent BSCW events and current appointments from your BSCW calendar. You can also in­clude external programs to show you the latest news or the current weather fore­cast, to con­nect you to communication services or to let you find an address on a map. You may also create portals for arbitrary workspaces (see 4.2 Personal portal).

Simple project management    
Projects and phases support project management through time planning and progress control. Both types of objects are implemented as special folders, which may contain further material. The time frame of a project is given by start and com­ple­tion date. Projects may be further split up in phases, which may be further divided into tasks. The progress of a project is aggregated from the lower levels, i.e. subtasks, tasks, phases, to the top level, the project, and is indicated in the folder over­view. Start and end of projects and tasks may be visualized as bar charts, which is also true for other time-related objects (see 8.1 Tasks and projects).

RSS feeds   
RSS feeds provide abstracts of frequently updated material (e.g. news, blogs) on the Web in a standardized format. In BSCW, RSS feed objects are special folders that store the latest ab­stracts of an RSS feed as RSS articles (see 4.10 RSS feeds).

Wiki integration   
As a complement to using website folders to generate a sort of wikis inside BSCW, the external MoinMoin wiki engine may be integrated into BSCW on the workspace level. The existence of a wiki is indicated by a link in the workspace banner. Follow­ing the link leads to the wiki with automatic authentication under the respective user name (see 5.5.8 Integration of an external wiki engine).

PDF export  
Listings of many container objects, i.e. objects that can contain other objects, may be exported in PDF format for printing. Examples are folders, discussion forums, blogs and con­tact lists (see 9.3 Exporting in PDF).

Various other developments and improvements    
Revision of the user interface: Redesign of icons and action forms, integrated search field, tooltips for most interface objects, dynamic layout with automatic resize when brow­ser window is resized, right mouse click invocation of action menus, type filtering in folder listings, direct modi­fication of sorting order, extension of per­sonal pre­fer­ences, configurability of action short­cuts, viewing options per folder.   
Task management: Improved notification, completely revised user interface, filtering in task lists, documents as data fields (see 8.1 Tasks and projects).   
Extension of website folders: Filtering by tags and authors, new templates, style sheet support, simplified editing and preview function, print view for contributions, wiki automatism for new contents, image upload (see 5.5 Website folders).
Miscellaneous: New drop uploader, direct editing of arbitrary document types on the BSCW server, alternative forms of login, direct creation of shar­ed work­spaces in the home folder.