You create a new template folder in the current folder just as you would create a normal folder:
• Select from the top menu.
• In the 'New Template Folder' form, which is displayed next, enter the name and optionally tags and description of the new template folder in the 'General' tab. You can also specify document sharing and automatic versioning in the other tabs of the action form.
• Confirm with [OK] to create the template folder. This is initially empty and must be filled with templates.
When you create a template in one of your template folders, it is recommended to add a description to the template explaining its purpose and use. Such a description is displayed when the template is copied.
Every object you create in your personal templates - with the exception of template folders and metadata profiles - is considered a template.
BSCW follows a certain strategy when searching template folders for copying templates. You should consider this search strategy when creating template folders. The templates offered for copying to the current folder come from template folders in the following locations:
• Your personal templates and template folders contained in them - your personal templates can contain any number of templates and template folders with additional templates.
• Template folders in the current folder - The current folder (as well as all other folders) can contain any number of template folders. Again, template folders in subfolders of the current folder are not considered when templates are copied to the current folder.
• Template folders in folders on the current path - BSCW also considers template folders contained in folders on the path from the current folder to your top level folder (the current path is shown in the navigation bar). Also in this case only template folders that are directly contained in folders on the current path are considered. So, if you create a template folder on the top level of a shared workspace, the templates of this template folder can be used by all members of the workspace in all subfolders of the workspace.
• System-wide template folders - Apart from personal template folders in your clipboard and shared template folders for workspace members, there are template folders that are accessible to all registered users. Such system-wide template folders are created and managed by the BSCW administrator. Contact your BSCW administrator if you have a need for further system-wide templates.