Register as a new user

When configuring a BSCW server, it is specified whether and how to register as a user. There are the following possibilities:

      Anyone may register on the BSCW server itself.

      Self-registration is not allowed, but all or certain users are allowed to invite others to register via their email address.

      Self-registration is not allowed, only the BSCW administrator may create new users.

For self-registration, proceed as follows.

      You click on [Register] on the entry page of your BSCW server (e.g. http://Ihr-BSCW-Server/pub/) to register with your email address and possibly further required information (name, organization, phone number).

      BSCW will then send an email message to the specified address. This message contains a special URL that you open with your web browser.

      When you open the URL (which you can only do once for security reasons), a form appears where you enter your username and password.

      After submitting the registration form, you may log in to your BSCW server with the chosen username and password.

If you are invited to a workspace of the BSCW server by an already registered user via your email address, you will again receive an email message from this BSCW server and proceed as from step 2 above.

When you register through the BSCW administrator, the administrator will tell you your username and password. You may change the password, but not the username.

Choose username

The username you choose serves your identification in the entire area of the BSCW server. We recommend choosing your last name as username (without umlauts: ä = ae etc.).

Note: By default, BSCW does not distinguish between upper- and lower-case letters for the username.

If your last name is already used as username on the server, so that you are not uniquely identifiable for BSCW with it, BSCW reports an error to you in the registration procedure. In this case, append e.g. your first name or a number to your last name.

Attention: You cannot change your username yourself afterwards!

Choose password

In the interest of the security of the information on the BSCW server to which you have access, choose a sufficiently secure password, keep it secret and change it regularly! In the interest of the security of your own computer, you should not choose the same password for BSCW as for your local computer.