Use BSCW elements

Wiki have their own system of elements with a wiki-like syntax ([element ...]) that allows you to use BSCW elements in your pages. Examples are the date of the last modification of a page, links to edit a page, the display of a page's history or even whole context menus. BSCW elements have a name and may also have parameters with values. An abstract example for the syntax of BSCW elements is

[element name param1=True param2="A long text with spaces"]

This element name has two parameters param1 and param2 with the values True and "A long text with spaces" respectively. Note the quotation marks that are only needed for values that contain spaces. A concrete example for a BSCW element is

[element documentactions action=edit text="Edit document"]

This element represents the Edit action that is applied to the current document. In the Web view of an HTML document in a wiki, the BSCW elements are evaluated and the results are inserted into the document. In the example above, a link with the text Edit document would be inserted into the document; clicking on the link would invoke the Edit action on the document itself.

Note: In the context of use in BSCW elements of wikis, some actions have different names than usual. Examples are Undo Changes instead of Delete Versions and New Subfolder instead of New Sub-Wiki.

Although the BSCW element syntax uses square brackets, you may still use square brackets in the text of wiki documents. Only the string [element is taken as the beginning of a wiki element. Errors in BSCW element specifications lead to error messages that are inserted into the evaluated text of a page while the rest of the page still behaves as expected.

You may embed a BSCW element in arbitrary HTML text that is only displayed if the evaluation of the BSCW element results in non-empty content, as shown in the following example.

[decoration] <HTML text> [element ..] <HTML text> [/decoration]

Here all text between [decoration] and [/decoration] is not displayed if the BSCW element does not provide any content.

In the following, the available BSCW elements are listed in alphabetical order. The attribute 'Static' indicates whether the element in question is included in a static copy of the wiki or not (see 8.7.6 Export Wiki and make it publicly available). You may insert the BSCW elements directly into the source code of your wiki pages or use the related menu in the integrated HTML editor.

For a detailed definition of the parameters click on the name of the elements.

      authors Inserts a list of authors of documents of the current wiki. Clicking on an author name restricts the display of objects in the contents list created by contents to those objects created by that author. Note that clicking on an author name has no effect on hierarchical lists created with tree.

      back Inserts a link that leads out of the wiki to the first parent non-wiki.

      categories Inserts a list of categories assigned to objects in the current wiki. Clicking a category restricts the display of objects in the content list generated by contents to those objects that have been assigned that category. Note that clicking a category has no effect on hierarchical lists created with tree.

      comments Lists the existing comments on the current page and offers an input field for new comments by default, if the user has the right to enter comments. Any replies to comments are not displayed.

      contents Inserts a list of all objects directly contained in the current wiki as clickable links. After a full-text search, the search results replace the contents list if no separate search results page has been defined with searchresults.

      contentsmetatable Inserts a table with selected metadata of all objects directly contained in the current wiki into the current document. This contents table can be sorted by the user according to the metadata displayed. By default, the columns of the table display the metadata name, tags and description of the contained objects. You can also display other metadata. Metadata attributes are identified by their identifiers. You can get a list of metadata identifiers for a metadata profile by calling Specification from the metadata profile's context menu. For examples of metadata identifiers, see contents above.

      date Inserts the current date and time.

      documentactions Inserts a complete context menu for the current document or a reference to a specific action.

      fileupload Inserts an interaction element for uploading images to the current folder. Only one fileupload element is allowed per page.    
The interaction element consists of three buttons [Select file(s) to upload...], [Upload] and [Cancel upload] as well as a preview area for the files to be uploaded. The first button initiates a standard file selection dialog, the second button causes the actual upload, and the third button cancels the upload process. You can also drag files to be uploaded over the [Upload] button and drop them there. The files selected for upload are displayed in the preview area below the buttons.         
Note: Currently, the fileupload element is intended for uploading image files only.

      folderactions Works exactly like documentactions, but the current wiki is the subject of the context menu or the individual actions that are referenced.

      gallery Represents the images contained in the current wiki in the form of a gallery with miniaturized views. Images are understood to be documents with a corresponding MIME type (image/jpg, image/png, etc.).

      history Inserts the list of recently visited documents as clickable links.

      lastmod Inserts the date and time of the last modification of the current document.

      lastmodby Inserts the name of the user who last modified the current document.

      location Inserts the path to the current document as clickable links.

      message Inserts a BSCW system message. These messages are displayed in the language set by the current user.

      metadata Inserts a list with the metadata of the current object, organized by the groups of the respective metadata profile, and provides a button to change the metadata. Unlike contentsmetatable, this is about an object.

      search Inserts the input area for the full text search in the wiki. If possible, a [Advanced] button appears to the right of the search field, leading to the full search form. The results of the search appear on a search results page that you have defined with searchresults for the current wiki. Without a special search results page, the search results replace content lists or content trees created with contents or tree, respectively. The use of search only makes sense if searchresults, contents or tree are used at the same time, because otherwise the search results will not be displayed.

      searchresults Defines the search results page that displays the results of searches in the current wiki.

      size Inserts the size of an object.

      systembanner Inserts the system banner; by default this is the normal BSCW system banner.

      tags Inserts a list of tags assigned to objects in the current wiki. Clicking a tag restricts the display of objects in the content list generated by contents to only those objects that have been assigned that tag. Note that clicking a tag has no effect on hierarchical lists created with tree.

      toc Displays a table of contents of the current document consisting of the headings as clickable links that allow navigation in the document.

      tree Inserts a tree view of the current folder and all parent wikis consisting of clickable links. After a full-text search, the search results replace the content tree if no separate search results page has been defined with searchresults.