New entries in your address book come from two sources: first, BSCW automatically adds all users and email addresses that you invite to workspaces; second, you may make entries explicitly manually.
You can create new entries in the address book just as you would in a contact list.
• Select
from the top menu and fill out the action form.
• Confirm with [OK] to create new contacts in your address book.
Instead of creating new address book entries manually, you can also copy users from member pages or contacts from contact lists to your address book.
• In the member page or contact list, select the entries you want to add to your address book
• Select in the context menu of individual entries. If this
action is not offered in the context menu, it is because your address book
already contains a corresponding contact.
Contacts that you copy from a member page are original contacts.
You can also import contacts in vCard format from local
applications such as Microsoft Outlook into the address book via dragNDrop. This
works in the same way as for contact lists (see 6.1.4 Import and export contacts). You can also
export contacts and contact lists of your address book or the entire address
book with
in the context menu again in vCard format for use in your local computer.
Note: As of this BSCW version, member groups can no longer be transferred to personal address books and invited from there to workspaces. Instead, member groups may be made generally available for an invitation and found via a global search when inviting.